About Brett
My approach is responsive to and respectful of the unique qualities of each individual or group. I listen from a perspective informed by psychoanalytic psychotherapy, organizational development, and group dynamics. My personal, insightful, practical, and supportive style is grounded in my own life experience and in my years of helping others grow and achieve their potential.
Psychotherapist, (California MFT #48447)
Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certification
Volunteer Engagements
A Home Within: Psychotherapy for Foster Youth
San Francisco Zen Center: Leadership Coaching
San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis: Member, Board of Trustees; Chair, Community Membership Committee
Career Highlights
Director of Coaching, University of California at San Francisco, Center for the Health Professions
Senior Organizational Consultant, Blue Shield of California
Health Education Consultant, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate
Research Associate, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Training Program, San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis
Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy Training
Enneagram Training, Enneagram Institute
Integral Coaching, New Ventures West
MA, Integral Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
MPH, Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
BS, Business Administration, University of Colorado, Boulder
BA, Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder